Drag and drop a file in this area to attach it to this problem report. Drag this picture to TestTrack’s defect list window to automatically import this bug report into TestTrack. You can also drag this bug file from the Finder to TestTrack’s defect list window. Enter a step by step description of how to reproduce the problem. To set your computer configuration information (e.g., computer model, RAM size, etc.), click here. To set your personal information (e.g., your name and e-mail address, etc.), click here. This is the name of the file currently attached to the problem report. If no file is attached it shows (drop a file here). To attach a file to the problem report, click here. You can also drag and drop a file over this button to attach the file to this problem report. Use this pop-up menu to identify how reproducible the problem is. Select how reproducible the problem is using the arrow keys or by typing the first few letters of its name. Use this pop-up menu to identify the version number of the product containing the problem. Select the version number of the product containing the problem using the arrow keys or by typing the first few digits of the number. Enter the version number of the product containing the problem here. Use this pop-up menu to identify the product containing the problem. Select the product containing the problem using the arrow keys or by typing the first few letters of its name. Enter the name of the product containing the problem here. Use this pop-up menu to identify the severity of the problem. Select the severity of problem using the arrow keys or by typing the first few letters. Use this pop-up menu to identify the type of problem. Select the type of problem using the arrow keys or by typing the first few letters of its name. Enter detailed information about the problem here. If it is a bug, don’t forget to describe how it can be reproduced using the Reproduce tab. Enter a short description about the problem here. To quit without saving, click here. To save this problem report, click here. After saving your problem report, the fields will be cleared so you can report another problem.